Monday, May 18, 2009


"One upon a time, there was a girl named Sarah. She had beautiful blue eyes that matched her sandy brown hair, and expensive Marc Jacobs bag. Her svelte figure turned heads, while beautifully new shoes hung off her feet. With a cigarette pressed between her lips, she dragged and loved the taste. 
All of a sudden, a horribly strange looking man ran past her, while shouts followed behind him. A snatch thief! Thinking fast, Sarah grabbed the coffee cup sitting at her table, drew her arm back, then- WOOOSH! It flew into his head, stopping him cold. 
The people chasing the man cheered, "Oh, Thank Goodness for the Beauty!"
But, their momentum wouldn't let their legs stop running! 
Oh no!
Unfortunately, they ran right over her. 
The men despaired, while the ladies- well, sadly they didn't quite mind.
Another beauty gone."



  1. whoaa.
    I LIKE this one :D
    skillzzz mann. hahaha

  2. That was so random. The kinda story you write when kinda high. :P
    I like it.
